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Ministry with the Military
After accepting Christ as Savior and yielding to him as Lord, we who call ourselves "believers" will want to become actively involved in a local church (or chapel) wherever we live and regardless of how frequently we move. Why? Because growing in the Christian life requires fellowship with other believers.
Servicemen and women-because they live and work in the extraordinarily taxing and stressful environment of the military-experience this need for fellowship perhaps even more than their civilian counterparts. Where can they go to find the personal renewal and care that they need for themselves and their families?
Perhaps you would be willing to open your heart and church to your military neighbors. If you might be willing to do this but could use some guidance, reviewing Ministry with the Military is a good place to start. Here you will gain understanding of the military, empathy for those who serve you in the armed forces, inspiration in coming up with ideas for ministry, and help in targeting and implementing your ministries.
What it comes down to, however, is as elementary and fundamentally Christian as offering a "home away from home" in your church to some of the finest people you will ever meet. Simply share their adventures and hardships, accomplishments and difficulties, joys and sorrows. You can enhance their personal growth and-I am confident in promising you-they will enhance yours!
I firmly believe and earnestly pray, this book will assist you as you undertake an especially important and rewarding enterprise for our Lord-ministry with the military.
Donald R. Gardner
Major General, U.S. Marine Corps
Pastor Don Hadley
Intentional Interim Pastor
FBC of Beaufort
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