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God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit is the Creator of all things - full of Grace and Glory.  We see the Father in Jesus, the Son of God.  We experience the presence of God in the Holy Spirit.  

Jesus Christ - fully human and fully divine - shows us what a sinless human life looks like and reveals God.  Jesus died on a cross for our sins so we can be forgiven, arose bodily from the grave on the third day defeating death, and ascended to heaven to prepare a place for those who love him.  From heaven Christ sent the Holy Spirit to be with us and in heaven Christ intercedes for us with the Father.  One day Christ will return to dispense justice and to rule.

The Holy Spirit lives in the heart of every believer and manifests his presence in Christlike behavior, the "fruit of the Spirit," and mission and ministry endeavor.

The Bible is uniquely inspired, totally true, and fully authoritative.  It is the Word of God in writing.  As such it reveals truth concerning God, creation, our fall into sin, salvation history, the saving gospel of Jesus Christ, the consummation of history as we know it, and eternity.

The church, made up of born again believers, is the body of Christ in the world and carries forward the saving, reconciling work of Christ across the ages. 

Eternal salvation and security are available to all in the gospel and are received by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone. 

Baptism pictures the believer's spiritual union with Christ in his death and burial for our sins and in his resurrection to eternal life. The Lord's Supper pictures the body and blood of Christ,

the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world

 A spiritual unity exists between all who follow Jesus Christ as Lord regardless of denominational or local church affiliation.

Each believer has a faith story to tell, which God can use to bless others and bring unbelievers to saving faith in Christ.


To God Be the Glory!

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